Cellphone Radiation

Cellphone Radiation

Cellphone radiation is a topic which always brings up conversation. People want to know if it is real or fake. In order to determine this we must first understand how a cellphone works. In this article they describe how a cellphone emits signals via radio waves, which are compromised of radio-frequency (RF) energy, a form of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is made up of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving at the speed of light, according to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). All electromagnetic energy falls somewhere on the electromagnetic spectrum, which ranges from extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation to X-rays and gamma rays. According to the article cellphone radiation does exist. A cellphone consists of two major components: the transmitter and the antenna. The article states that the radiation from cellphones is generated in the transmitter and then emitted through the antenna. This is why people are so concerned with the possible harm that can be caused by long term use. All cellphones are different but the way they are used is the same. When talking on a cellphone, most users place the phone against their head. In this position, there is a good chance that some of the radiation will be absorbed by human tissue. The fact of the matter is that all cellphones emit some amount of electromagnetic radiation. Given the close proximity of the phone to the head, it is very possible for the radiation to cause some sort of harm to the millions of cellphone users in the United States.

Exposure to radiation is harmful, but can it cause serious health problems? According to the article, it is still unclear just how much radiation is considered unsafe, and if there are any potential long-term effects of cellphone radiation exposure. A recent health scare brought into question the potential for radiation damage to be caused by cellphones. The article states that there are two types of electromagnetic radiation: Ionizing radiation and Non-ionizing radiation. Cellphones emit radio-frequency (RF) energy which is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Radio-frequency (RF) energy is classified as a non-ionizing radiation. This type of radiation is typically considered to be safe. This radiation does however cause some heating effect, but it is usually not enough to cause any type of long-term damage to human tissue. Taking into account that radio-frequency energy is considered to be non-ionizing just like microwave radiation, this means that they are both similar forms of radiation and that both are safe. Can this really be true? Everyone knows that microwaves emit high levels of radiation. This article explains why we are told not to place metal objects into microwave ovens because it will cause the metal to induce an electrical current which will move around the metal object producing sparks. The radiation from microwaves also generate great amounts of heat, which is why we use them to cook our food. This heat is strong enough to cause melting or burning. In some cases fire and smoke can even occur given the situation. If that is the case then can cellphone radiation really be all that safe? According to the article, on its website, the FDA states that "the available scientific evidence does not demonstrate any adverse health effects associated with the use of mobile phones." However that does not mean that cellphone users are not at risk. According to the FCC, exposure to high levels of RF radiation can damage human tissue. RF radiation has the ability to heat human tissue, just like microwave ovens heat food. RF radiation can cause damage to tissue because the body is not able to dissipate excessive amounts of heat. At high levels, radio-frequency energy can rapidly heat biological tissue and cause damage such as burns, according to a recent report from the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO). The report went on to state that mobile phones operate at power levels well below the point at which such heating effects would take place. The amount of radiation emitted from the devices is actually minute, and the U.S. federal government places limits on how much radiation a cellphone can emit. According to the article, here are a few illnesses and ailments that have potential links to cellphone radiation: Cancer, brain tumors, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Fatigue, and headaches. Such studies have only muddled the issue. As is the case with most controversial topics, different studies have different results. Some say that the use of cellphones is linked to higher occurrences of cancer and other ailments, while other studies report that cellphone users have no higher rate of cancer than the population as a whole. No study to date has provided conclusive evidence that cellphones can cause any of these illnesses. However, there are ongoing studies that are examining the issue more closely.

According to the Leonard Lopate Show on cellphone radiation, cellphones are always active. Even if you are not using it, the cellphone is still sending and receiving signals. If the phone is on then it is working. Simply put a cellphone is just a small microwave radio that is constantly accepting and distributing radio signals. These signals are of course much weaker than those from a microwave oven. However the signal used by cellphones is approximately the same signal in terms of the waves used. The danger with the use of cellphones lies within the way they are used. When not using a headset the phone is placed directly on the ear right next to the brain. If microwaves are dangerous and cause heating effects then why are we not concerned with microwave ovens? Microwave ovens were long thought to have been highly dangerous. Some people refuse to use them even today. What convinced most people to think otherwise and accept microwave ovens as another household appliance was the enclosed design and the reassurance that the microwaves would be trapped inside the oven. This is because microwave ovens have a metal interior that prevents the microwaves from escaping. This metal interior serves as a reflective surface that acts just like a mirror. By reflecting the microwaves off the interior walls the microwaves always bounce back and forth within the oven. This is the reason why the majority of people think microwave ovens are generally safe to use. The reason why cellphones are a big concern is because they provide little to no protection from radiation. Cellphones are made out of plastic and are mostly hollow on the inside.

© Francis Rodriguez 2010